Project X – Sukeban Games Progress Logs Fri, 30 Apr 2021 22:27:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Project X – Sukeban Games 32 32 194775553 April 29 & 30, major updates Fri, 30 Apr 2021 22:27:17 +0000 Grind goes on as always and I’ve been keeping myself busy with a lot of animation work (in large part adjusting stuff from zero since I did it quite shoddily in the previous iteration of the project). I’m almost done though, just need to go over the non-root motion stuff and come to a decision on which one we want for the finalized controls. There’s arguments in favor and against using root motion for movement but at the end it will come down to both testing and ease of use during development.

Also had a call with newprogrammer to go over the final gameplay modules and features. In the past year we’ve been experimenting a lot; saw a lot of failure and a lot of success, but it’s time we buckle down and choose what’s gonna make the cut. Things are looking up! Now it comes down to how we want the game loop to be handled from a tools standpoint. At the start I didn’t wanna make a game with a traditional loop but I’ve realized that at least for this one it’s something we can’t live without. What we got right now then is a hub-ish design; sorta kinda like Astral Chain if you’ve played that. This was always the plan, but as I wrote I realized I wasn’t treating it as such plus our tools weren’t up to speed. For example, how will the tools manage as the game goes along?: Change NPC dialogue, available NPC’s upon entering a map, available places to go, items available at stores, which player data will be carried accross chapters? and so on. After we are done refactoring and cleaning up what we have pending we’ll plan the solutions for the aforementioned problems on paper before writing a line of code. Once a consensus is reached I can go back to writing the rest of the chapters taking these final design choices into account, hopefully finish before newprogrammer is done with said final tools and then we build the game (this time for real, we’ve had like two or three false starts if this blog is anything to go by).

I realize that a lot of this should have been done before a single asset was made, but we are still amateurs and this is our first action-ish game; one that’s also in 3D. Thankfully we have the resources to take as much time as possible to get it right, tho I’m still a madman who wants to ship this year.

Last but not least, Project X just suffered a major setback and it’s possible we might have to ice it until the stars align. Won’t go much into detail but let’s hope that’s not the case. It’s a huge morale blow for me because I like to work on several games at the same time for mental health reasons. When a project becomes overwhelming the smaller one becomes a comfort game… and X was just that for me. It was in incredibly capable hands and I was mostly drawing /giving light direction (like I said, it was in capable hands).

I’m crazy, man. I love making games and I make games to relax. How does that even work?

Time to bounce. Here are some screenies showcasing the new shader for characters and equippable items. I love it.

april 9 Sat, 10 Apr 2021 01:55:34 +0000 went over the script and made some needed adjustments after the team gave me feedback. So far it’s been received VERY well, even though i’m still hella insecure about it cause it’s my first time working on something of this magnitude. It’s not that the game is huge, but rather that it has more moving parts compared to a vn with just people chatting. The comments so far have been very encouraging and gives me confidence to jump to the next script. While the one i finished is still in draft stage, I seldom make the tweaks in the scripts since i prefer to keep notes and then do it inside the game. This is so i don’t feel like i’ve been staring at the same text document for ages and get to see if the changes work right away.

for project X i finished the character design i wanted to work on and turned out really good. I wasn’t expecting the direction i took with it, but i’m also not complaining. At all! next step is to make it a sprite if the team loves her as much as me.

Since my schedule has been a bit all over the place i think i can keep working in bursts over the weekend. Let’s see how that goes.

april 4th, 5th and 6th Wed, 07 Apr 2021 03:19:30 +0000 Lots of work done even if i’m not timely updating the blog. My sleep schedule is a mess and I forget to write when it’s really late.

script for chapter 3 is done, i just have to extend what i have of the ending and send it to the team for feedback. I’m aware of a bunch of flaws but it’s nothing i can’t fix, plus they always have a bunch of ideas in can incorporate for better effect. Faceset for a third character in project X is done and now i have to design the final main one and get to the thing i wanted to do last week with the backgrounds. Newprogrammer has been chipping away at bugs and also completed a couple features i asked, like the debug thingie. It’s my hope we can work on the game’s levels again really soon when i’m done with the words.

it’s crazy how much the last stretch of februrary and march sidetracked me completely. I went from sleeping really well to whatever the hell i’m doing now. I’m still not crunching and get a lotta work done everyday, but it doesn’t feel as consistent as when i was working a 9 to 5 program. I need to make adjustments pronto!

march 26 Sat, 27 Mar 2021 01:45:26 +0000 couldn’t do much yesterday due to irl stuff, but today i did manage to finish most portraits for a character in project X, next is some more ui stuff and jump to the third character, hopefully i can do that one faster. I’ve also been playtesting more project D stuff, but newprogrammer is gonna take a small break since he’s got his own health issues now. Nothing big, but he could use some big energy, dragon ball style. Good news is that the problems i found with the enemy creator have been fixed and at this point i really should finish the script for chapter 3 cause that’s getting silly, lol.

march 23 and 24 Thu, 25 Mar 2021 02:32:04 +0000 big progress done with the enemy tools, they are now a breeze to make after some extensive test and quite a disaster that happened when i made a new one and the previous one went berserk…. because i accidentally moved the model far from the prefab center, and i had no idea until after newprogrammer had to figure out why it was freaking out. Sorry!!

so work has been mostly playtesting and stress the tools as much as i can, plus work on the secret project not related to games that’s almost there, just gotta test the final bits and then go ham with the rest. I feel a lot of people will appreciate this move and i’m very excited about it.

tomorrow i should finish the work on the portraits i was working on in project x, as well as resume writing what’s left of chapter 3 since i’ve been neglecting it.

march 22 Tue, 23 Mar 2021 02:38:31 +0000 Had to take a week to regroup and get the spark back. Doesn’t mean i didn’t do crap, but i did limit the amount of things that required mental bandwidth. For example, I wrote at an extra slow pace and playtested whatever newprogrammer and the project X added to new builds. Speaking of newprogrammer, he’s finally kind of done with enemy tools and we are just fine tuning details of how they look in battle. Today i did mostly UI stuff for both projects, playtested and got involved in some boring-yet-time-consuming company stuff… but it’s long overdue stuff! stuff you will like! trust me, it’s gonna be cool.

Anyway, gonna fully pick up the pace tomorrow hopefully now that i’m also sleeping early-ish once again. Remember, rest is important and if you’re not feeling it take time for yourself and commit to actually come back.

march 8 and 9 Wed, 10 Mar 2021 02:12:38 +0000 didn’t do much on monday aside from helping newprogrammer to test the enemy maker tool (needs a lot of polish but we getting there) and brainstorm about the story. Today I focused mostly on the writing and finished another scene leading to a big gameplay segment. There’s an unexpected amount of text now and i think our dialogue system won’t be up to the task, and i’ll have to think in ways to make it better.

If everything goes well i should be done with chapter 3 this friday, then monday we do our best to finish pending technical tasks that keep arising whenever i’m sure it’s just gonna be content generation, so i won’t say that anymore and just keep working.

In other news, june released a song they made a while ago for n1rvanna, it’s one of my favorites so go check it out!

march 4 and 5 Sat, 06 Mar 2021 01:02:45 +0000 Even more writing! It’s all been quite fun, crafting dialogue while working chill without pressure is honestly quite comfy and could get used to this. I’m little over half the entire script for this chapter and the team seems to like it a lot, which makes me very happy.

Newprogrammer pointed out a few weird things regarding the timeline of events, and I’m really glad he caught on those since I feel my strong suit is character dialogue, not details of the world outside the room in which these people interact with each other, must improve that side.

For project X I made a cool face set to turn into pixel art later but works as a placeholder. Sophie told me that way she can get a better grasp on how the character speaks and I found that really cool. Might get a bit crazy with the angles of those facesets once i get into the meat and potatoes of the final versions.

It’s all coming along very well even if slow. Well, it seems slow to me, maybe I’m actually doing it at a really good pace… Guess I’ll find out in due time.

february 26 and march 1 Tue, 02 Mar 2021 00:47:49 +0000 forgot again to update last friday. the temptation of just playing videogames until late in the night is just too good…

so for friday progress most of what i did was once again writing after solving a few contrivances i stumbled upon, and then proceeded to work on some backgrounds for project X, then today i kept doing more backgrounds and found out that there is a certain amount of dithering i need to achieve certain feel. Too little and it looks too clean, too much and it’s just a pattern overlay, so photoshop’s color reduction works just alright for what i need.

my stress has improved dramatically, i’m way more chill everyday now and getting some more exercise too, as a result whenever i focus only on work everything is done quite good! like, before stuff that would take me 6 straight hours of not getting up from my seat i can do in 2, so it’s not like i’m working less, i’m working the same amount of time, but with better results which is making me quite happy.

newprogrammer made a tool to generate enemies in project D from a model and has made things quite exciting, since i can now churn out new models and make them enemies right away, something that was sorely needed in this phase of development.

The more i think of the things left to do the more i despair tbh since i’ve said many times i don’t want to spend more than 2 years on proyect d, but we are already one year and change into it and doesn’t feel like we are any close to the finish line, but hopefully our optimizations speed things up.

february 22 Tue, 23 Feb 2021 01:17:56 +0000 i got some stuff to do so i’ll write this real quick.

  • made new ui elements for several interfaces in project x and completed a new background, mostly left over work from last week
  • might have finalized the look for chapter selection in project D, now we gotta hook all that up and continue with the cutscenes
  • next big task is a better enemy and weapon creator for easier content generation (namely model some dude and then give it behavior with a few clicks)
  • note so i can remember to playtest the skill tree at some point this week too