From october 21 to today

Sorry for not being able to do this daily as of late. When I go to bed after 10pm I tend to just go sleep and forget everything.

Still doing lots of work polishing with the main game flow. The UI is almost there and we just wrapped up a notification system, next is the player’s computer.

It’s gonna be something similar to Jill’s tablet in va11halla. Took me longer than expected to find an aesthetic I feel happy with. Worked on some environments too, but the ones needed for this particular segment of the game are ready to go.

The game does feel very much real now! aside from jank battles everything else looks and feels as it should.

While we polish battles at a later day I’ll go over the story sequences and see what can be improved and whatnot. Like I mentioned before this rework didn’t need a rewrite (thank god) but it does need less words, so I gotta adapt what we have.

That’s way later though. For now we’ll work on that PC, then an extra tool for timeline. Once that’s good THEN we polish battles.

Lots of work coming but now that everything is set in stone after so long we can move with a rocket strapped to our backs to the finish line. Let’s fucking go!