may 14 and 17

More writing and planning with n1rvanna (don’t ask, and don’t make me rush it please it’s going so well), coupled with character design for the current chapter in Project D. We have decided to move ahead and use Chapter 4 as the template for the rest since it’s less bloated (the script has 50-something pages, half of it gameplay compared to chapter 3’s 80-something with mostly cutscenes with a ton of sets) and compact, with less environments and maps (most of the scenes are for cutscenes and one big dungeon-esque map for the finale).

Newprogrammer has been fighting some bugs but tomorrow I should be able to playtest the new battles. As mentioned, the next step is the flow tools as I like to call them and then adapt the script into the game. I’ll have to finalise at least a rough draft of the entire game soon-ish if I want to outsource all models on schedule…