december 1st

again one of those days where i spent a bunch of time on a seemingly small task but given the lack of expertise it ends up swallowing a lot of my day. This time was getting used to this tool that places lightprobes automatically that was giving me some headaches, but if it works well i’ll give em’ a free shout out. So far it all looks great, it did place every lightprobe where it had to and frankly the game’s ps1-esque look is giving me the benefit of not needing to adjust every single probe by hand.

Also began the groundwork for a save system and controller support, also with some assets i got. Other than that, i made a game over timeline (once the death animation is put back in i’ll show it, looks hella badass), playtested and uncovered some… left over bugs from the puzzle tools (a feature we forgot to fully test, basically) that were fixed, integrated the PSY bar for psychic skills, and made other visual effects to telegraph enemy attacks easier. I should continue that one tomorrow with some of the special attacks. Playtested more of the boss battle and it’s just turning out great.

This week will probably be just grind on things we’ve been sleeping on, cause tomorrow i’ll have to do the loading screen, playtest the whole level to check everything is working, then finally redecorate a large chunk of it.