
I spent the day tackling level design and some experimentation with more organic shapes using pro builder.

This one took longer than I’d like but now i know what to do and what not to do. For this I used polybrush to give it the rocky shape. The trick is apparently to really plan the shape around quads, then subdivide and then bake the transformations with the polybrush tool.

The rest was me struggling with laying out the map itself. I… never really designed levels before, at least not in literal decades, as the last time I remember creating levels was back in highschool fiddling with rpg maker and drawing maps for my tabletop rpg’s. Research has been super fun though, as i stumble upon great and bad examples of level design, as well as interesting reading on game design in general. I’m basically hitting the books for a bunch of things in this project.

Currently only half the map is interesting and the other one needs a bit more oomph to it, but i’m pretty close. Newprogrammer needs to do a toggle for random battle triggers.

Pretty excited for tomorrow.