october 28

so there’s many issues that just came outta nowhere, like the player jumping and changing positions when shooting destructibles (and only happens with those..), enemy behavior being all erratic (bullets stuck in the air, grenades going through the floor) among other annoying stuff. No idea why everything’s suddenly acting weird and it’s worrying me plenty. Aside from the playtesting where i saw all of this i worked on a couple props and tidying up the scene replacing some of the placeholders, improving the lighting in some of the areas to start building the other section. I managed to play without stuff breaking (aside from what i mentioned) and it felt incredibly satisfying, so while that’s being fixed i’ll work on the rest of the level and its puzzles, for which i’m very optimistic since the tools we have for the game’s flow are proving to be solid as hell. it’s the combat where most of my headaches reside.

On project X I worked on some of the characters and began exploring some alternatives for the main layout. X is an adventure game, a classic genre where everything has been said and done, but i want to strike the perfect balance between it looking amazing from any shot and keeping things comfy and fast to produce, so i’d like to think this one through. right now i settled with small portraits while we get a feel for everything and then we’ll see where it takes us.

Lots of exciting work lately, if only D’s combat wasn’t such a clusterfuck below the hood.