locked tf in


It wasn’t my intention to have such a gap between updates but there were several factors:

  • Laser focus on making all chapters playable from start to finish
  • We attended Bitsummit and actually revealed the damn game lol
  • Went to Gamescom
  • And honestly, after a long day of work, I prefer to go outside and catch a movie or play video games rather than write here

That last bit is important in the sense that things were piling up so much I kept putting off writing a new log that I knew was gonna require a ton of time to put together.

The solution is simple: I simply won’t put together a big blog.

Before I go any further though: Thank you. Really.

If you’ve read this blog for an extended amount of time then you know very well how insecure I’ve been over the years. I genuinely thought I was washed, that nobody would care because it’s not N1rvannA, and that nobody outside a very small niche would even look at it. But as soon as that tweet went up it was picked up by news and spreading like crazy in all social media. The trailer racked up more than 100k views in very little time, and the amount of mails and messages in support of what we’re doing (well before the announcement and after) proved me beyond wrong. You guys do care, and I hope you like the game as much as you want to.

I feel like a broken record saying all this since it’s a common question I got during interviews (“how do you feel now?”), but I don’t think I could be grateful enough. Now the ball is in our court and it’s on us to deliver the best game we can make.

From the bottom of my heart… thank you.

Now as for an actual update, I’m glad to say every chapter in the game is playable in one way or another. It’s a huge milestone, and even though some of them lack dialogues and bespoke features, the hardest part has passed and now the fun truly begins. Being able to focus on enemy design and prettying up the environments full time is gonna be my crack cocaine.

This doesn’t mean the game is almost done. It simply means I can play an extremely rough version of every chapter from start to finish. And while I can make everything look really nice really fast, there are always unexpected bumps on the road that were unaccounted for. Once we reach Alpha stage I’ll be confident in giving away a release date.

Thank you for showing up at Bitsummit Drift!

Speaking of the release, many people have asked if consoles are being considered. The answer is yes, obviously, but maybe not at launch. We want to self-publish on PC first and make it as solid as possible and then have someone else take care of ports. This isn’t final and there’s always a chance we do a simultaneous release down the line.

By the way, we’ll be at EVA Play 2024 in Buenos Aires this October 25 and 26. Be there or be square!

This will be our last event showcasing the game until we’re near release.

This is what I look at to avoid getting depressed. Wonderful artwork by @TumugiV

To be honest this is all I wanted to say. Dunno why I thought I needed to do an event report or a grandiose entry about what’s been happening since late April but I think this is enough for now. Life has been extremely good these days, and summer is about to start here in the south. Beautiful sunny days are my fuel, and so is your support.

See you next time.

If you haven’t done so yet, please wishlist the game on Steam and give a like to the trailer above!