Another busy end of the month prevented me from writing the monthly log but fear not, I remembered to do it just now.
I achieved the goals I set for the project in the last log, so we finalized what happens between missions and the extra dialogue that the new level needed, plus I began working again in earnest on the new level and have been tweaking and adjusting everything I see that’s a little off. Plus balancing.
I fully admit I almost lost a day of work because of the Unity shit that happened weeks ago but still ended up working my ass off later that night lol. It was not fun but hey, we’re already too far into this to do anything about it.
Doesn’t feel like we did a lot but looking back makes me realize that progress has been super steady. Could be better but I won’t complain.
Slightly worried at the amount of moving parts. Feels as if all learning resources for Unity taught us badly on purpose as a joke, and managing the size of the game has become tricky. There’s still more clean up that we should do but I’ll worry about that when I’m done with this new map.
Short term goals for this month include finishing this map including boss fight dialogues and cutscenes, a partially finished kit for the environment, and set up for the next level (planning of two new enemy types, the boss fight, and a revision of the existing draft).
I’m not gonna pretty up this map until I feel comfortable with the flow. In fact, every map will be really ugly moving on so we can reach content completion early next year. If we can finish map 4 in December we’ll be en route for just that.

I was working on this scene and noticed the characters looked hella odd; as if they were tiny lil dudes. Likely because of the gigantic bottle?

Well I said fuck it and made everyone bigger. Game development is weird like that.

Standing up they look HUGE.

Dinner with Reila.