June went by flying and I don’t have a good grasp of what I did from memory (didn’t write down shit like I said I would last month), but the bulk of it has been creating cutscenes, assets and polishing systems that the whole game uses (transitions, the battle system, enemy behavior, and so on), as well as creating new scenes to make the space in between missions feel much more cohesive and, hopefully, memorable.
Our priority at the moment is to stabilize everything that the game will use from this point forwards. You see, due to numerous changes in direction, we ended up with a bunch of dirty scripts and files that the game doesn’t use anymore. The game is literally running shit on the background that serves no purpose so that’s another thing we’ve been slowly chipping away at. It’s been comfy precisely because it allows me to focus on the visual aspects while the programmer does all the needed maintenance before we move on. There’s only one major thing we need to solve to avoid future headaches; mostly on the scene loading side, but shouldn’t take too long with proper planning.
I think this still counts as stepping on the proverbial gas, cause it’s mostly tasks that we sort of avoided while we took care of more important things. And now that we know what we’re gonna do for realsies the list has been getting smaller and smaller, as they depended on us choosing a direction for the project.
Spotty month, not gonna lie. This time of the year is fucked for me, but still managed to do a lot.

Not a lot that I can show this month! It’s all spoilers and I might have lost some of the videoclips I made too. Maybe next time.

Fun story: I worked like a week and a half on a very intricate introduction cutscene that was very good on its own, but once we implemented it… it seemed to be so out of place, lol. Like a trailer instead of a proper sequence inside a game meant to introduce players into the world. It’s good; not gonna say it sucked, but it didn’t fit the mood I wanted.
At least the above cut survived!