Note to self: Write progress as I go in a draft and then publish at the end of the month so I don’t forget shit I did.
May was rough for me, mentally speaking. Not because I was feeling particularly miserable, but rather that I’m still not used to seeing writing as actual progress cause all I do is put words in excel while the game itself remains full of placeholder levels and stuff. The good news is that I finished the game’s script. For real.
It’s still the first draft, and it’s the 4th rewrite this game has gone through. We’re pretty happy with the direction after a fun table read, with some adjustments to do and things to watch out for that I’ve been chipping away in between other tasks. One thing I really liked got scrapped, but that’s the nature of the beast.
After exiting the excel dungeon I started helping with playtesting, feedback, concept art, etc.
Finished the models for the base weapons, some of the boss rewards, all accessories, upgrades. Was a ton of work but thankfully we already had those written down months ago for this very moment.
Now that June is around the corner, it is time to step on the proverbial gas and do a sprint towards a content complete build. With the script done I feel confident with how the rest of the game is gonna play out.
I’m never making a game as I go again. Holy shit.

Concept to prop, part 2.