Back to the excel prison to write extra scenes. Plus a new environment.
Due to ongoing changes with the game’s format (to make it leaner and easier to produce) the story has gotten way cooler and cerebral. I’ve been relying more on imagery and symbolism to transmit what’s going on, which couldn’t have occurred without the limitations we imposed on ourselves. Now, this is already the style I like to go for (if you check any of my story-driven shorts you’ll get a pretty good idea) but the previous scale had me with more cinematic ambitions; now it’s a very unique beast that I’m as excited to figure out as the ones who will hopefully play it when it’s out.
Apropos of nothing but weekends are a double-edged sword. I rest the two full days but once monday comes I completely lose track of the immediate tasks. Good thing newprogrammer said key words key enough to snap me back into reality and do some cool work.
I do write down stuff to do and whatnot, but something’s lost when I don’t touch the project. I hate losing that momentum.