Been working on cutscenes and animation. More specifically, I’m tweaking some cutscenes so they are shorter and moodier, and transplanting the dialogue from the subtitle layer to the normal dialogue boxes.
It’s a compromise I think I mentioned before (tired of putting up with Timeline being so buggy), but it’s working so far.
Added some extra animation clips too, this time for the shotgun reloading and better ones for rifle usage. We need to code the shotgun…
Speaking of automatic rifles, they do feel like automatic weapons now. Before it was kinda like parasite eve where it’d shoot one bullet per move, but with shorter animations and tweaked sound effects and particles it transmits a more accurate feel. Like you’re really shooting dozens of bullets in a short span of time. Now, this game won’t be realistic at all when it comes to guns, I’m just doing what feels good and so far this feels good.
Newprogrammer has been busy fixing some egregious bugs related to dying and not appearing in the right map, but I think he already found the problem.

Fun fact: upon entering the boss fight room, all my weapons, equipment and stats got reset. I got it all back when I died, but it’s interesting nonetheless. Once we implement the new cutscene I made we’ll look into why that happens.