November 26, 29 & 30

All playtesting. Been doing nothing but that.

This boss so far is really fun to work on, and I’m not at all bored with it, just concerned with how long it might take. We’re on schedule since I was actually able to playtest before friday, and this week will be all about ironing out kinks and playing around with the behavior but you never know what’s gonna happen. The other day we spent an ungodly amount of time fixing some really stupid shit, so yeah.

I might not be able to polish the story sequences this week either since I’m laser focused on that boss being fun, but at the same time it’s giving me lots of ideas and by the time I go back to those they’re going to be better than originally intended.

I wanted to show some epic webbums of the boss in action but I really want that design to be kept a surprise until at least the reveal trailer.

Most of today was devoted to sound, particle effects and animation, and newprogrammer is going through my list of to do’s, so I’m assuming a continuation of this for the next couple days.