may 10

More writing work, and a surprising amount of revelations about game writing in general came up.

You see, in my free time I’ve been writing screenplays for films I’d like to make if that opportunity ever arises. So when I change over to game writing and resort to gameplay elements for characterization or set ups (think of Jill buying things to focus, or reading Augmented Eye to get small context on some characters), that’s where I realize the true power of video games as an art form. Things you can only transmit through visuals or dialogue in movies can be completely replaced by game mechanics if you know what you’re doing. Now, I already knew this! But going from a weekend writing a movie screenplay to game writing today made all of it the more obvious, and is subsequently making me integrate more game aspects with characterization and other aspects of the story.

I think newprogrammer is almost done with the current tasks of cleaning up and refactoring the battle system. Goal this week is to have all of that going so we can start the rest of the flow tools.