march 30 and 31

Went back to writing and things are going very well, i was able to go back to some of the earlier bits and change around some parts that didn’t make much sense anymore or were redundant, but it’s gonna be an interesting experiment to see how much of this is gonna make it into the game since i’m looking at a lot of dialogue, and if possible i would like a ratio of gameplay to story to skew in favor of gameplay. What I want to say is that once i start putting this one together i’ll have a better idea of how much dialogue i need to write for future chapters.

newprogrammer is feeling better after new medication and a couple visits to the doctor and he’s been fixing more bugs with enemy behaviors that i need to playtest tomorrow. A couple tasks arose, such as a scene selection menu inside the game to better debug scenarios and a cleaner, more generic character controller without battle logic for downtimes. Maybe this could lead to a clean overall exploration (code-wise).

Gonna keep writing and then start new portraits for project X. I’m close to having all characters done so i can focus on backgrounds and cg’s.