february 24

not a whole lot to report since all i did was write dialogue so i can keep making cutscenes tomorrow. the one i was working on kinda doesn’t fit anymore since i don’t have a good pipeline for detailed traversal for cutscene models, so i’ve decided to make a lot of these cutscenes playable even if they aren’t going to feature any battles or deep exploration. I think it’s for the better, makes for a more unique experience. Yay for creative solutions to dumb limitations.

i also bought a smart watch thingie so i can keep track of my stress levels since i’m not feeling good again and i feel it’s the same thing i had last year with the anxiety stuff, so imma try to control that while i get stuff done. Call it a long term investment since controlling my health means faster and better work.

Newprogrammer finished a rudimentary enemy editor and next in the list is a weapon editor, with both in place i’ll be able to churn models like crazy and integrate them fast into the game.

Small reminder to myself: request a script for character movement that’s just character movement so it can be used during interactive cutscenes.