february 12

Might have stumbled upon my least favorite part of level design: level design. While i enjoy the shit out of making things look good, i’ve realized i have a hard time coming up with the actual layouts for playable areas. While i’ll eventually find it fun, the growing pains sure are fucked. With this i mean to say that i blocked out the inside of the manor, which was a challenge in and on itself because manors are quite complex structures, even moreso when it has to be explorable, with areas large enough to host battles but also carrying the necessary detail to come across as lavish. It’s hard to explain, but the point is that my brain will need to accept the fact that stuff won’t look pretty inmediatly and sometimes i need to prioritize gameplay over looks. I’ll make it pretty once we settle on a good gameplay setpiece.

With that “done” I can move on to the last piece of environment work for File 03. This last one is quite complex, and all about looks for spolerific reasons. Once that’s done we can start with cutscenes and craft the encounters however fits best. It’s sort of terrifying but that’s why we completed a whole ass level beforehand! to get used to all the stuff.

On project X i made a new background, which i freaking love by the fact it’s starting to look like how i wanted valhalla to look. it’s hard to explain, but at the time i wanted an actual pc98 esque look, and while sometimes it has the feel, it still ended up modern (don’t get me wrong, i’m stupidly happy at how it turned out in the end). Now i’m kinda starting to break the code and I hope to keep improving!

Have a nice weekend, everyone.