January 22

Not a lot of work yesterday since i had to attend some private matters and what little i did amounted to writing down some minor ideas and some sketches for one character that needs a redesign.

Today was a bit more busy, we just finalized the chapter scenario, from here on we gonna call it File 03; that’s right, we are gonna start by the third one so we can make the last and first chapters by the end of the schedule and use the learned experience for a good start and a good end. Anyway, file 03’s scenario is mostly done (we only need to clear up some of the dialogue that happens in the ending bits), made the list of locations, props, characters and other things i will need to make and outsource, it’s a fairly long chapter but despite that the amount of work is not that huge. We’ll begin this monday and then work on the rest of the scenarios in parallel. I recently finished the one for File 02, and currently in the middle of File 05. Right now we are planning for roughly 8 chapters of variable length. It’s a big game, but still with a considerable set of constraints to make it all viable.

Monday we’ll also need to wrap up some of the basic features we’ll need from now on, namely checkpoints, saves, skill tree, augments menu (more like uncomment that feature, lol), asyncronic loading (for levels that have more than one scene), and multi scene editing.

Shit got real fellas!

Here’s a Reila sketch I made last night cause i couldn’t sleep.