august 5 and 6

remember when i said dark times were ahead? they are here, sooner than i expected too, so work has been spotty. newprogrammer has been laser focused on finishing the last bit of the timeline extensions since yesterday and it seems it’s gonna take some work to get it right, as timeline is rather poorly documented, which is a shame. As for me… Well, i’ve been trying to do the usual stuff, but stupid and recurrent shit keeps getting getting in the way of optimal performance. I’m trying to take it easy, study more and practice more so the atmosphere is perfectly conveyed without spending my life working on this, so it’s not like i’ve been staring at the wall in dire moments. There’s a lot of planning i have to do and it’s pretty daunting to think of all the things i need to write on paper before moving onto the bigger things. My hope is that i’m up for the task and willing to finally change my environment and the way i go about things, i’m frankly tired of stumbling over the same rock.