
so aside from some bugs i found i really like how combat feels now. everything is snappy, there’s excitement, strategy, it’s no longer mindless. i was able to cancel attacks by timing my own actions, take cover using other enemies, it’s really great, and some of these were unintentional in our design so it feels even better.

still blocking out the last scene as i got sidetracked with other matters, such as updating the dialogue system and setting it up to work with the new interaction system. now newprogrammer is gonna do the final touches on it to allow fast cutscene creation.

Like in the past few days i’ll keep working after i write this update. So basically go back to the scene, planning for the others, and decide what i’m gonna do with the first finished dungeon. the layout itself is fine, but lighting is giving me headaches, so i might have to re-do the layout again taking into account how this engine handles illumination.